Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My wishes..

Today is Wednesday lo..So,that's say i still got 3 days to spend my time in sdk..Finally at yesterday,all de procedure for going to maktab had been done lo.. Yeah =)Now,these few days i just start to pack my stuffs lo..Walao eh..nid mnay things nid to pack oh..However,i just can bring 2 luggages cox i take airasia flight to kk...Due to this,i nid to choose to bring those things that i very nid to there 1st lo..hehe =) KOTA KINABALU.......Im coming lu...such a new study & living environment for me nia.. Wish that i can fast fast get used in this place lo..hehe..Wat i hope also the hostel in the maktab is ok for me..God pls bless everythings.. =) Actually im waiting for the day i start my 'new life' although im feeling 'ng seh dak' to leave my hometown..I think this will be another new way for me to walk..a new experience for me to explore.. a new time for me to know more friends & a challenge for me to live alone without depend on i right? Hehehe..

Friends in sdk,i'll missing u all muchiee..ok? Erm,especially my dear Amelia..i'll miss her so much..after i leave,just left her Dear baby,dont u forget me woh..ok?hehe.. when holidays i'll come bck,then v out yum cha again ya.. :) Keep in touch always~~

My family in sdk,dad & mum...both of u no worries to me & brother..ok?we know how to take care ourselves de lah..hehe.. :p Thanks everythings for wat u all had gave to us,helped us & support us..i love u~Dad & Mum.. :)

That's all for here.. :) Have a nice for me & u.. hehehe

Thursday, June 17, 2010

No more tears..

Winnie..please hold ur promise that u wont easy to drop down ur tears anymore in any simple situation..this only can make ur life become just like a monster that always harm u..yea,i hate the feel of sad..crying..heart pain..but i'll try out my best to dun let myself have these feeling anymore..i want have a happy u believe that i can? actually i also not sure that i can hold this or not..but..i'll just,dun think so many again..just let everythings come in naturally mode..God,please bless me in my every single little things..thanks..I love u~~
If someone reli put u in heart & appreciate u,sure he/she will caring about u with their sincere heart..i got some of them too..reli thanks for them with my truly heart.. =) actually i still nid frens who r like waiting for their appearance..
I'll leaving my hometown soon lo..still got 1 week more..time past kinda fast.. feel quite 'ng seh dak' leave here la although im not going so far for my further study which only at kk..Hope that i can get used myself in a new environment as fast as possible.. :) In btw,i do wish to have a laptop ASAP~~i request it from my mum but... haiz..when then i'll have my own laptop? i nid it badly..if not,i think i'll damn boring in the hostel neh..

Its time for me off to bed lo..still left not much time then nid to wake up & go for the last 2nd day for my part time job.. good nitez~~

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

天使的決定 泳兒

最后 我勇敢的爱上你
当时应该很激动 我爱你
谢谢你 给过我爱情
在我的心里 总有个角落 不让谁靠近
谢谢你 比我先放弃
让我有 心痛的权利
别说对不起 因为我还爱你

我的手心 曾被谁握得好紧
爱 像个卫星 搜寻谁的心
有时谁 太贪心 天使就决定没收 爱情
谢谢你 给过我爱情
在我的心里 总有个角落 不让谁靠近
谢谢你 比我先放弃
让我有 心痛的权利
别说对不起 因为我还爱你
谢谢你 给过我爱情
在我的心里 总有个角落 为你~~~
谢谢你 比我先放弃
好让我有 心痛的权利
别说对不起 因为我还爱你
我不曾忘记 我们的 回忆~~


Monday, June 14, 2010

This is a day..

Praise the Lord..!! =) im had been choosen go into maktab for my further study.. i'll study in Campus Gaya which located in KK town area.. But sadly,my dear Li Ting not same with me a campus.. :( Anyway,i know each of us will very appreciate this chance for going to maktab coz this is the one which we are eager for a long time le.. right li ting?But i know my God so loves me..sure He got prepared the best for me..Luckily,got a fren which same class with me in form 6 also study with me in a same campus.. :)
This will be a hard journey for me i think coz i gonna stay at there for my education for 5 & half years..However,i will try to do my best to finish this long long study as i want to a teacher..Be a teacher actually is my ambition since i was small..i never change for it~~ Hehe.. :) so i just do wat i wan to do..Hope i wont regret for it la.. :p God Bless..
Before the days i go to kk,there's reli many things suffering me especially financial problem..arrgh..many things want to prepare,buy things,nid to done the procedure which the maktab had 'order'...May God gives me strength to do that.. :) i kinda need that..
In de same time,wish that i could know many new friends after i studied in the maktab..i reli need friends in my life.. :) dont u all also?
Feeling so tired le..huhu..i broke my promise ler..this evening i told to myself that 2nite need to prepare the test papers for my child..but im so sorry,i couldnt do that coz im reli busy with my study stuffs in whole nite..hope that i'll done for it on tml..hehe.. =)
Off to bed shoulders start to feel pain already nia..tired~~ anyway,my brain still cant stop to m*** u..^^

Sunday, June 13, 2010


每一天早上起来,用力深呼吸..总是呼吸到新鲜的空气..在清晨的空气中,一阵阵微小的声音从耳边传来,所有的小昆虫都开始忙碌新的一天了..真的感谢神,他创造的世界是如此的美好..每一天与他同在都是充满喜乐的.. 而我们,也就要开始活出美丽的一天啦~~

从上个星期至下个星期,学校都是在放假..而我呢,在这三个星期里,我都回到幼儿园工作..早上到下午.. 晚上回到家,又要当'保姆'咧..因为要帮我的老妈看顾那'小猴子'..他啊,真的很active的哦~乖的时候,就可以自己玩..而我们就常常把他困在'猪笼'里..哈哈~~当他闷了,就会开始喊救命..那时啊,我们就要抱他了..
星期天,我又要到教会事奉主日学..在主里的孩子啊,说乖不乖..也很难'搞'一下的..而今天哦,只有十个儿童到来主日学咧..孩童们,你们都在哪里啊? 一个星期七天,我都要面对孩童..慢慢地,我想我也开始走入了他们的世界..慢慢地,我可以感受他们的小小心灵..有时候与小朋友相处,真的蛮开心的..总觉得他们很天真可爱..但他们的思想总是让我们大的都觉得不可思议..
话又说回来,放假这三个星期的时间都过得蛮快的..这个星期将会是我最后一个星期在幼儿园工作啦,这次工作以后,不懂要到什么时候我又才能到回去那里..我的孩子们,你们要等'aunty winnie'回去啊~~别把我给忘了哦..同时,真的谢谢我的工作同伴们陪我一起..尤其是'傻傻'莞子..谢谢她的指导和陪伴.. :)当我有什么事或者不开心,谢谢她的关心和安慰..还有每天载我一起上班的dip yee,谢谢她每天都要特地来载我去工作..虽然我和她认识不久,但我知道她是一个非常友善的女子..我很开心能认识她.. :)我们要常保持联络啊...

每一天,我都很想他..期待着他给我的讯息..惨了,总觉得自己开始依赖他了..但,但,但..我不可以让自己这样..我可要为着自己而活..我要控制自己..哈哈..希望我可以办到这一点啦.. :)有时也会恨自己,因为嘴说的总是不能和心相连..感觉很矛盾哦..啊,我可别再乱乱想了,因为这总是会让人觉得不开心..我,很笨吧? :p 不过没关系啦,爱情这门事儿总是这样的..感情的路线上,总要经过无数的煎熬..不是吗? :)就让一切顺其之然吧.. =) ~我想你~

一天里又将要结束了,明早要工作啦~~又可以看见那可爱的Arthur了.. :) 我的孩子们,明天见了.. 晚安 =)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Boring Night

Now is 10pm++ lor..actually time past quite fast.. :) But 2nite reli so boring ler.. the only thing that accompany me to past my nite that is my brother's laptop..just facebook in all de time.. plus,i got the time to create a blog nia.. :p i think here will be a nice place to drop down wat i wanna to say is my freedom place~~ :)Btw,i'm keeping look on my any messages.. :( But i just try to let myself to get used to it..i wan myself get used to be a lonely girl without anyone's accompany..hmm..but just appreciate tat i still got a friend chat with me in fb.. :) Besides,thanks to my dear ka ka who she is the one teach me how to add friends in my blog..erm,im very miss all my friends here who r not around at sdk..waiting for the days they come back then v can go out to have a date for chating..:) Actually i kinda miss him too for now..but im not sure have he miss me too.. :p Anyway,the only thing i can do is to keep him my mind without can do anythings..
I will off to bed soon lo..tml morning still nid go to church & serve in Sunday School :) there is a good time to gather with my lovly God~~ Nitez~~

New member

Suddenly create a,i'm a new member in blogspot here.. :) Hope i can share the voice in my heart with u all in here.. coz sometimes i reli nid somewhere to write out wat i wish to say in my life.. everyone is welcome to view my blog at here.. :)